Sorlien Ceiling Bed (Twin Bed)

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The Sorlien Ceiling Bed Company manufactured the Twin Bed Outing Trailer. They were located at 406 6th Ave So., Minneapolis, MN. Theodore H. Sorlien, Inventor of the well-known Sorlien Bed, applied for a patent for his trailer design on April 3, 1916. He was granted US Patent 1,235,733 on August 7, 1917. In June of 1916 they opened a display room in the Murphy building at 1305-1309 Hennepin Ave in Minneapolis. They were among the first to manufacture camping trailers.

Sorlien Ceiling Bed Co. claimed the Twin Bed to be the lightest camp trailer manufactured at the time, coming in at 571 lbs fully equipped. The Twin Bed Outing Trailer featured a patented black oiled duck canopy top (hard-top), two sagless 42 inch wide spring beds, and a body 81 inches long by 44 inches wide. Two models, A and B, were manufactured. Model A sold for $195 and Model B sold for $175 in 1917. That would be $3,100 and $2,800 respectively in 2007 dollars. The cheaper model featured solid rubber tires and a light duty axle system. Since the tenting material hung clear to the ground two cots could be added under the side beds making the total number of 6 people the camper could accomodate.

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